miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Synonyms for good and bad ! :)

Here you will find the list we've been talking about since last year.
Have a look and start using more and more vocabulary!

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

Geografía de América. Contenidos evaluación febrero 2015

Temas por trimestre:
1° trimestre
Del libro de geografía:
Unidad 1 de las páginas 22 a la 28 inclusive
Unidad 2 de las páginas 32 a la 35 inclusive
Unidad 3 de las páginas 40 a la 47 inclusive
Tener en cuenta las actividades de la carpeta y hechas en google drive

2° trimestre
Unidad 5 de las páginas de 52 a la 61 inclusive
Trabajo practico trimestral: indicadores demográfico, análisis (de acuerdo al país que te tocó) Retomar las consignas que se dieron para la realización del TP (trimestral). Buscar en la carpeta.

3° Trimestre

Unidad 8 de las páginas 82 a la 88 inclusive
Unidad 9 de las páginas 92 a la 99 inclusive
Trabajo practico trimestral ( distribución de la población a partir de los factores físicos -relieve y clima- análisis de climograma de la ciudad capital de tu país. Retomar las consignas del blog y la carpeta.
Trabajos realizados durante el trimestre: mapa de relieve y climogramas de la  Quiaca e Iguazú.

Modalidad de examen:

 Los alumnos deberán traer impreso su trabajo practico (que se realizó durante el 2° y 3° trimestre), el cual presentarán el día del examen, se revisará y luego se pasará a una defensa oral que se basará en el trabajo más la teoría que los alumnos deberán estudiar del libro de geografía.

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

Physics & Chemistry - Topics for February 2015 Exam

Physics and Chemistry – 2° Year - Syllabus – 2014
States of matter
• Show how the particle theory of matter can be used to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases, including changes of state.
Changes of state: Melting/Fusion, Freezing/solidification, Evaporation, Boiling, Condensing, Sublimation. Graphs.Heating and cooling curves

Gases & Pressure
Variables affecting the gaseous state of matter. Definition of Pressure. Volume, temperature and n° of particles.

Material properties
• Distinguish between elements, compounds and mixtures. Difference between atom and molecule
• The link between elements and atoms. Simple atom model: protons, electrons and neutrons
• Mass number and atomic number
• Give chemical symbols for the first twenty elements of the Periodic Table.
• Mixtures. Understand that mixtures can be separated. Different types of mixtures: suspension, solution, emulsion.
• Solutions: solute & solvent. Saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated. Temperature. Solubility  
• Describe and explain the differences between metals and nonmetals. Alloys.
• Compounds. Name common compounds including oxides, hydroxides, chlorides, sulfates and carbonates. Understand that they are formed by chemical reactions.

Material changes
Difference between physical and chemical change
• Describe everyday chemical reactions, e.g. rusting, combustion, respiration, photosynthesis
• Describe electrostatics and the concept of charge. Relate it to the atom.
•Difference between conductors and insulators.
•Charging by friction, induction, conduction
•Triboelectric Series

•What is electricity?
•Current (I), Voltage (V), Resistance (R). Different types of resistances.
• Interpret and draw simple parallel circuits.
• Model and explain how common types of components, including cells (batteries), affect current.
• Explain how current divides in parallel circuits.
• Measure current using ammeters and voltage using voltmeters
•Calculate the resistance

• Properties of magnets. Permanent and non permanent magnets. Magnetic Materials.
• Recognize and reproduce the magnetic field pattern of a bar magnet.
• Construct and use an electromagnet.
• Applications. Compass.


DEBATE - Contents for February

Dear kids,

The idea is to have an exam with very similar characteristics to the one we had last week.

Don't forget to study the following: (for the written part)

- Debate dynamics (teams, motion, roles in a debate)
- Types of DATA (quotes, statistics, anecdotes, research)
- The ARE Method ( Assertion - Reasoning - Evidence): explanation, reasons for using it, examples/practice.
- Different ways of refutting
- Persuasive techniques
- Body language

Please, make sure that you have all the photocopies in your folder. If not, send me an email and let me know!

Oral part:
You will have to prepare a speech based on the debate competition format.



Make sure to write a speech in which you include EVERYTHING you are supposed to say to comply with your role.  You MUST share it with me in a Google Drive, so I can check it beforehand.

Enjoy your holidays, and study a lot! If you need something, PLEASE let me know :)
