viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Tectónica de placas

Investiga este sitio web para tener más información sobre el tema: "relieve de América."

Relieve de América

Identificando las formas de relieve:
1. Utilizando Google earth, identifica las diferentes formas del relieve del continente americano. Toma nota de su localización. Luego lee la información de las páginas 82 a 88 y responde la siguiente pregunta:
¿ Cómo explicarías la existencia de estas formas de relieve?
Escribi tus respuestas en un google drive y compartilo con

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

El barroco en América

Trabajo colaborativo

Los alumnos de 2º año comparten información
A diferencia del Renacimiento, el Barroco se caracteriza por la asimetría, la noción de espacio infinito, el continuo movimiento, el deseo de tocar los sentidos y despertar las emociones. Esto se logra a través de efectos de iluminación (por ejemplo, claroscuro en la pintura) y el movimiento de formas que se manifiestan en expansión. En la arquitectura, se utiliza la monumentalidad, espacios cóncavos y convexos, superficies onduladas y plantas elípticas; en la pintura, las composiciones diagonales, los contrastes de color y luces y sombras; en la literatura, el juego de palabras, la hipérbole, la antítesis y la metáfora naturalista.

Fuente original: | Escuelapedia - Recursos educativos

A lo largo de los siglos XVII y XVIII, la arquitectura barroca latinoamericana conservó las pautas indicadas por la península Ibérica sin embargo con algunas peculiaridades. Una de ellas es su sorprendente pluralidad, condicionada por el propio medio físico, la gran diversidad de materiales existentes en cada área geográfica y la presencia de un pasado precolombino.

Fuente original: | Escuelapedia - Recursos educativos

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Term Test : Topics

Dear All,

These are the topics which will be included in our term test on Friday, August 22nd 

  • Short Stories: Taste - A swim - Mrs Bixby and the Colonel's Coat 

  • Analysis of Setting, Plot, conflict, theme, point of view/

  •    Introduction to  IGCSE Exam exercise -Focusing on characterization  writing  (For second part of the test - book open.)
Please, don't hesitate to ask me if you any doubts! 

Big kiss,

Videos - Chemical and physical changes


jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Physics and Chemistry - Topics for term test (trimestral)


- Difference between atoms, molecules, elements and compounds
- Naming compounds (including “ate” “ide” endings and prefixes: mono, di, tri,tetra…)
- Difference between compounds and mixtures
- Metals and nonmetals (including at least 2 characteristics of each)
- Solutions as a special kind of mixture (homogeneous): solute, solvent, dissolve, soluble, insoluble, dilute solution, concentrated solution, saturated solution, solubility. Separating a solution into its components

miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Some ideas for your speeches II !

Are girls more mature than boys?
Why are men on top? Why are they the vast majority of CEOs, politicians, education administrators – essentially all of our most important leaders? It’s really quite simple: although girls tend to be more mature than boys (as we are so often told), men are naturally more mature than women. As Satoshi Kanazawa, Reader at the London School of Economics, states in this article in Psychology Today:
The male advantage in intelligence does not appear until after puberty, when boys and girls finish maturing and growing.  Until then, girls are on average always more mature than boys at any given chronological age.
You can peruse the studies he cites for evidence of this claim. Alternatively, you can simply take a look around you.
In academia the hard sciences (i.e. the real sciences) are all dominated by men – STEM (science,technology, engineering, math). 
Beethoven, for example, went deaf not after he composed his masterpieces, but before. Milton went blind before he wrote his infamous Paradise Lost and relied on an amanuensis to transcribe his verses. Ovid, author of the great Roman epic The Metamorphoses, wrote it in political exile. And the greatest musicals and operas – which are now characterized as “feminine” – have overwhelmingly been composed by men.

Some ideas for your speeches!

Why do girls brains' mature faster than boys' brains?
It’s always been conventional wisdom that girls reach maturity more quickly than boys, but now scientists have provided some proof.
In new research published in the journal Cerebral Cortex,an international group of researchers led by a team from Newcastle University in England found that girls’ brains march through the reorganization and pruning typical of normal brain development earlier than boys’ brains. In the study, in which 121 people between ages 4 to 40 were scanned using MRIs, the scientists documented the ebb and flow of new neural connections, and found that some brain fibers that bridged far-flung regions of the brain tended to remain stable, while shorter connections, many of which were redundant, were edited away. And the entire reorganization seemed to occur sooner in girls’ brains than in boys’ brains.
Females also tended to have more connections across the two hemispheres of the brain. The researchers believe that the earlier reorganization in girls makes the brain work more efficiently, and therefore reach a more mature state for processing the environment. What drives the gender-based difference in timing isn’t clear from the current study, but the results suggest that may be a question worth investigating.

Girls' brains can begin maturing from the age of 10 while some men have to wait until 20 before the same organisational structures take place, Newcastle University scientists have found.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

Crisis religiosa, Expansión y Organización colonial

Trabajo en equipos

Teniendo en cuenta los siguientes temas, por equipo:
  • Crisis religiosa y reforma.
  • Contrarreforma; Misiones Jesuíticas.
  • Expansión del s. XVI.
  • El Barroco en América;
  • Gobiernos coloniales.
  • Imperio portugués
  • Francia e Inglaterra.
  • Sociedad y costumbres coloniales.
Elabora un informe para entregar; Prepara la exposición oral con soporte multimedia; Realiza la toma de apuntes.