miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Some ideas for your speeches II !

Are girls more mature than boys?
Why are men on top? Why are they the vast majority of CEOs, politicians, education administrators – essentially all of our most important leaders? It’s really quite simple: although girls tend to be more mature than boys (as we are so often told), men are naturally more mature than women. As Satoshi Kanazawa, Reader at the London School of Economics, states in this article in Psychology Today:
The male advantage in intelligence does not appear until after puberty, when boys and girls finish maturing and growing.  Until then, girls are on average always more mature than boys at any given chronological age.
You can peruse the studies he cites for evidence of this claim. Alternatively, you can simply take a look around you.
In academia the hard sciences (i.e. the real sciences) are all dominated by men – STEM (science,technology, engineering, math). 
Beethoven, for example, went deaf not after he composed his masterpieces, but before. Milton went blind before he wrote his infamous Paradise Lost and relied on an amanuensis to transcribe his verses. Ovid, author of the great Roman epic The Metamorphoses, wrote it in political exile. And the greatest musicals and operas – which are now characterized as “feminine” – have overwhelmingly been composed by men.

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