martes, 4 de junio de 2013

5th June: World Environment Day 2013 -Think Eat Save-

9 comentarios:

  1. I think that the video gives a good idea of what we can do for the planet whit the food.

  2. We could reduce the footprint if we don't waste so much food that we didn't finish

  3. in my oppinion we can reduces , if we eat more vegetables and fruits and use the waste that this make to use it to make composta.

  4. I think that the video is good because you can learn how to recicle waste food.


  5. In think that this video show us as what we have to do with the waste food anda how to reduce food when we finish eating and don´t throwing

  6. People waste a lot of resources such us energy or water on producing food. All around the world, people waste or lost 1/3 of food. In my opinion, an idea to reduce this problem is to awareness on this issue and help the planet.

  7. All over the world food is produce and we need resources to do it, like energy. 30% of waste that is produced in a year is produced by food.
    To reduce the food waste we have to:
    Think careful what to buy, like if we buy vegetables or organic food the waste can go to the land and that fortalice the land. We have to think in how much we buy, the issue is that we don’t eat all the food that is on the dish so finally we throw it away. The 90% of the things we throw away are recyclable. If you want to start recycling a good idea is to separate food waste. We can recycle many things but all is in our hands, you decided what you want to do with your rubbish.

  8. In my opinion this video show us that the things that happen and the things that we do. For my we need to star to eat more vegetable and fruit because we can use that waste to make composta and then other plant can grow.

  9. If there is too much food there will be alot of eviormental issues.
