lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

"El almohadón de plumas" de Horacio Quiroga

Este es el link para el cuento de Horacio Quiroga:

Recuerden que el día Lunes 21 de Abril, realizaremos el TP sobre "El almacén de las palabras terribles", ateniéndonos a los parámetros de análisis literario que estuvimos trabajando: marco narrativo, tipos de narrador, esquema actancial y estructura narrativa.

domingo, 13 de abril de 2014


My dear students,
Remember what we have been working with last class? OK, here's how we are going to continue.

  • During your first class period, you are going to read a photocopy which contains information on how to structure a debate (beginning-middle-ending). After reading it, you are going to make a summary about it. It is individual, and you will get a mark for it.
  • After break, you are going to make groups of three, and you are going to prepare a SPEECH. It must be about HOW TO LIVE WITHOUT... cellphones/electricity/Internet, etc (choose one alternative).
  • You are not supposed to say if you can live without them or not (as we did last class). You must provide some ideas/suggestions about how to live without them. Your speeches must last 3 minutes, and they have to be ENTERTAINING. You are free to choose how to make it: you can use visuals, represent it (act some parts), or just speak in front of your class. It has to be absolutely ORIGINAL, CREATIVE and should HOOK your audience. Please, send me an email before the class finishes saying what your presentations will be about.
  • Presentations will be held on Wednesday 23rd. Get ready and good luck!!!!!!!!

PS: Don't miss me!!!!!!!!!! ;) 

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Recordando el 2 de abril


Segundo año recordó este suceso mediante los testimonios de quienes vivieron por aquel 2 de abril de 1982. Compartimos sus conclusiones y convicción de mantener   
la paz

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Identifying purposes: Video Analysis II

And this is Video #3!!!

Identifying purposes: Video Analysis

Here you have the videos we worked with last class. If you want, you can watch them again in order to make a wonderful TP for Wednesday!
Any doubt, please, let me know!!!!! :)

Video #1

Video #2